Search Engine Optimization

Qualified…Valuable…Profitable - The Best Traffic Is Organic From SEO No Question

Why is Organic Traffic better than Facebook or Google ads to get new patients? SEO, or search engine optimization, is marketing that boosts your practice to show up at the top of Google when people look for your services online.

SEO works better than any other traffic source because it specifically targets people SEARCHING for what you offer. They have what’s called “search intent”.

It’s because of this search intent that a person looking for Botox, Rhinoplasty, or Veneers is 10X more likely to become your patient than someone randomly seeing an ad while talking to a friend on Facebook…

Does Your Practice Show Up On Page 1 Of A Google Search?

Right now, someone is searching for your most profitable service. Will they find you or your competition? To be clear, we’re talking about showing up for the competitive services that make you (and your competition) the most money.

There’s a saying in marketing…Where do you hide a dead body? On page 2 of a Google search. Why? Because pretty much no one goes past the bottom of page one. As for clicks, studies show that most people don’t click past the first 5 results. So you better rank high.

Lasting Results

If you’re reading this right now, it means your SEO is most likely struggling… but hope is not lost. SEO is a long-term method of attracting the highest quality patients on autopilot. When someone searches for CoolSculpting, Blepharoplasty, or Teeth Whitening, for example, if you’re on the top half of the first page of Google, you’ll receive a flood of valuable leads like clockwork. Not only that, but Google is stubborn and hates change. Once you get to the top of the search results, Google wants to keep you there.

The Average Cost Per Click On Google Ads Has Increased 244% In 4 Years

And it’s not just Google. The average cost per click on Facebook has increased by 171% in the last 12 months.
And it’s expected to more than DOUBLE again this year! While Facebook and Instagram as advertising channels can’t be ignored…
The highest quality traffic comes from Google’s organic search (free) listings… And if you don’t show up on Google when your prospects search for your services, you might as well not even waste your money on online activity.
The top 5 entries in a Google search get 78.2% of the clicks in organic searches, with the 1st position getting 34%, double that of position 2, and triple position 3.
Ready to rank high and see your profits jump to new horizons? Schedule a no-strings strategy session with us today, and we’ll show you what it takes to get your practice or medspa to rank high for all your most profitable services and procedures.